None of us, including me, ever do great things. But we can all do small things, with great love, and together we can do something wonderful.

Our Team

Arindam Chakraborty
Dr. Hasna
IVF Specialist (Bangladesh)
Dr. Monam
Clinical Manager
Dr. Priyanka
Compliance & Response Manager
Indu Malik
Finance Manager
Communication Strategist

Who am I?

I am a fertility physician, practicing reproductive medicine for the last 12 years. After graduating from Medical College, Calcutta, (somehow could never get around to calling it Kolkata), I was trained in IVF from Herzliya Medical Centre, Israel. The training was good and the trainers wonderful.

The training was courtesy an old reputed family-run business house. I was hired to set up their new start-up venture, an unnamed IVF unit. I was given a freehand in setting up and managing the unit. Those were heady days. The first few couples who came to see me, they were my real teachers. They taught me. Allowed me to make mistakes and learn from them and then even thanked me for my efforts. I shall forever be grateful to them!

Working with couples struggling with fertility issues taught me so much indeed. I stopped thinking like the Gynecologist that I was trained to be and started thinking like the fertility physician that I chose to be. What is the difference, one might ask. Huge. The gynecologist, no offence meant, takes human conception for granted. He/she assumes that conception is always meant to translate into a healthy life as a matter of course. The fertility physician on the other hand is forever fretting about gamete quality, the un-describable X factor that shall define whether the gametes shall be able to lead to a life or not. So many of our pregnancies are somehow achieved from compromised gametes and thus very often go on to miscarry. And it is so difficult to explain. Each time it is so difficult. Dealing with dashed hopes. This is the single biggest differentiating factor between a gynecologist and a fertility physician. Unable to take gametes for granted. Its just not true that they are good always for all persons.

Life went on. Many patients went on to become friends. Some returned with smiles, others were not so lucky. I moved on to setup another clinic for another corporate in the same city. Bad decision on many fronts. But one good outcome: our patients followed us. So we must have been doing something right.

This really got me thinking. What if we were able to put together a practice that is focused on what we do i.e. fertility management and yet has a modern professional management at helm. So i could do what i know i.e dealing with people with fertility challenges while there would be a team to take care of rest of the stuff. Thats how NOVA was born. NOVA is internationally funded, professionally managed, a hundred percent focused on fertility care company comprising some of the best fertility clinicians and embryologists across SE Asia.

We also realized that so many things go into treating a couple. It is not just about medications and procedures, its also about giving time to the couple, listening and talking to them, not really telling them, preparing them mentally and physically for the treatment cycle and of course adequately guiding them regarding the amount of financial readiness that they need to get into.

So while NOVA IS THE PLACE FOR TREATMENTS AND PROCEDURES, this website is where we try to get ourselves prepared on all other fronts.

So now you know that if you think I could be of any help, then its NOVA that I am practicing at and where i am preaching on :) and that's where you can meet me. And yes! please do keep in mind that at the end of this quest for parenthood, it shall be most definitely worth the wait.

Happy reading!

Dr. Rohit Gutgutia