How to handle
infertility treatment

Firstly, sincerest apologies for using the term 'infertility' because of its negative connotations. I'd rather use the term 'sub fertility'. In effect, all couples, save for a very unlucky few, can become parents.

Infertility takes a major toll on women and couples. All couples are conditioned to expect a pregnancy when they desire so. Culturally and popular belief makes us believe this to be true. One year post marriage is legitimate wait for people to pop the question: "when?"

In this expectant scenario, a couple trying for a child but not succeeding is bound to feel lost.

This is, by no means, a small number. As many as 15 percent couples are in this situation but for most it is a lonely journey as they have not shared this with anyone.

I look at the couples coming in for fertility treatment as being in 4 stages of readiness.

Stage of denial

Stage of acceptance

Stage of treatment

Stage of success/ failure

Why does the IUI fail?

First of all, let's try to understand why IVF fails?

IVF involves putting together eggs and sperms to form embryos and then replacing them into the womb. If the eggs or sperms used to make the embryos are not healthy, then the embryos shall not be viable i.e. not yield results. If the womb is not receptive, then the embryos shall not implant and finally if one is not able to replace the embryos properly ten also the result would be negative.


And what if IVF fails?

Allow yourself some time to introspect. Do not blame yourself or your doctor. Both had the best of intentions. And then get down to planning how to deal with the news.

Often, one does the IVF cycle more for satisfaction of having tried. In your heart of hearts you know it may not work as the doctor may have mentioned that your age is too high or the sperms are too bad or such things. Of course we can debate this and take a second or third opinion from someone else.


Role of technology in failed cycles:

The truth of matter is there are good and not so good clinics. IVF is technology based. And knowledge based. Large units have better access to knowledge and technology. It is simple commerce. As a result, they are able to put technology to better use. People practising for a decade or more have seen results improve substantially over the years. We have gotten better in terms of knowledge, patients come earlier due to more awareness and younger couples always have better outcomes. But to the largest extent it is the technology that has made the biggest difference. The microscopes have become better, the culture media more standardised, air quality control more efficient and so on.

I have enlisted a few of the options that can be considered for people who have failed to conceive or miscarried after getting pregnant. As mentioned before do not get taken in by the write ups. They may or may not be applicable to you and should be considered only with proper medical advice.

How does role of technology help patients with IVF failure