Finding it difficult
to conceive

Outwardly, most couples may look and feel healthy and fit, but inside there may be fertility issues that may have never surfaced and have, therefore, remained ignored. There are many tests we choose to do but that stay shelved because we were busy planning our lives, our careers, our homes, our finances before planning our baby. I say, well and good!

It's good to know that in today's day and age, we have the power to plan our pregnancy. We can choose to avoid becoming pregnant through the use of contraceptives and may plan to defer conception until we have secured a nice home for ourselves and can provide a warm and comfortable environment in which to rear our child.

Given the fact that it is easy to postpone our pregnancy, it is also a tremendous shock to find that we may not be succeeding in getting pregnant at the time planned by us. There is a strong emotional undercurrent in every case of infertility that most couples face, therefore. Basic questions need to be asked at this early stage and the focus of attention must be on the couple because either or both of them could be infertile.

Simple questions need to be considered.

Be patient.

If you think the quiz has revealed that you just may be infertile, read to learn more about the corresponding tests to diagnose the same. I have also added my two-bits to each assessment with a 'Thumbs up' and 'Thumbs Down' and a short note as to why I deem that particular factor and test important, or not.

Tests for diagnosing infertility

Treatment Options

For more information on each, please visit the KNOWLEDGE CENTRE