Increase your
chances of pregnancy

Getting pregnant is no rocket science. It is a biological phenomenon that is almost a smoothsail for most. However, all are not that lucky.

15 to 20% couples in India face the problem of conceiving.

About one in 7 couples (15%) are affected by infertility.

Healthy couples in their 20's have a one in four chance of getting pregnant each month.

About 40% to 50% couples get pregnant within 4-5 months and 85% get pregnant within 12 months.

When a couple has been trying to get pregnant unproductively for at least 1 year, and if the woman is 35 years or older, the analysis is mainly infertility.

is not a fault.

It is usually a responsibility of both partners, one-third of infertility cases are related to the man's problems, one-third to the woman's and in one-third of cases both are responsible. In about fifteen percent of infertility cases no cause is found (unexplained infertility).

The course of fertilization depends on many factors:


Healthy sperm by the man


Enough sperm by the man


Healthy eggs produced by the woman


Healthy and unblocked fallopian tubes that allow the sperm to reach the egg


The sperm's ability to fertilize the egg when they join


The ability of the fertilized egg (embryo) to become implanted in the woman's uterus


The ability of the lining of the uterus to allow implantation


Sufficient embryo quality


A healthy embryo


A healthy hormonal environment of the woman

One or a combination of these factors may affect fertility.

Male Factors

(sperm problems: Not enough, not moving, bad shapes)

Ovulation Factors

Factors (PCOS or age related issues, Good eggs versus not-so good eggs)

Pelvic factors

(infections, endometriosis, scar tissue)

Genetic factors

(Kallmann syndrome, fragile X syndrome, karyotype abnormalities, ciliary dyskinesia)

Immunological factors

(Antisperm antibodies, antiovary antibodies, prevention of embryo cleavage)

Male Infertility

Female Infertility