Of course by having sex and not by IVF!!!

Overall about one in six couples find it difficult to conceive WHEN THEY WANT TO. That is a huge number worldwide. But luckily most of them do end up pregnant eventually, some with help, most without so.

But please do remember about 11% patients who have had IVF failures also conceived naturally later on. So there is no doubt that natural is the best.

IVF may help in some cases of absolute infertility (no chance of natural conception) but that number is not really very big. What IVF or IUI does for sure is to cut down on the trying to conceive time.

At the same time, getting pregnant naturally is not as easy.

On an average, a couple having regular, unprotected intercourse has only 20% to 25%
chance each month of getting pregnant. It takes half of all couples more than six months to conceive!

Yet most people prepare their cars for a weekend trip better than they prepare their bodies for a pregnancy. It makes sense to stack these odds in your favour by making sure you have the best chance to make a baby before you begin trying.

That means the first questions you may want to answer is,"What needs to happen for us to get pregnant and how can I check each part to make sure it's working?"

Here's is an easy way to understand how one gets pregnant naturally: I have deliberately simplified the facts for ease of understanding. It does not take away anything from the broader narrative.

Pregnancy from a woman's view

Usually a woman desiring pregnancy
has to have the following system in place.


So as you can see pregnancy is a matter of so many variables falling into place. Couples still naively believe that they should get pregnant the month they try. It is not so. Fertile couples with nothing wrong with them also take 3-6 months of trying. This is completely normal. Only if things have not clicked in 6 months that one needs to start thinking. Easier said than done!

The man's role?

Just as your wife, you release FSH and LH, as well, to work on your testes, which are the sperm producing organs (in case you didn'tt know!).The difference is that the testes are outside the body in a sac and they make about 100 million sperms daily which mature in the testes for about 10 weeks and then travel through a thin twisted pipe (epididymis-vas deferens) for another few days before coming out.
Of course one should be able to place the semen into the partner's vagina when needed to do so. That's part of the job as well!

Men tend to be obsessed with the size of their organs. A lot of them feel masturbation makes them weak. Some have fears regarding the semen volume and the thickness. Quite a few are apologetic of their sexual prowess.


Its best to consult an andrologist in case of any doubt. Nine out of ten times ALL WOULD BE FINE AND then there is nothing to be worried about!